As a mom, it’s important to make sure your family is healthy and stays that way. That’s why it’s crucial to schedule annual checkups for everyone in your family. Here are four of the most important ones to keep in mind.

#1 Checkup with your doctor
The first and most important checkup on the list is your yearly physical with your doctor. This is your chance to discuss any health concerns you might have and get advice from a professional.
Your doctor will also do a general exam, checking for things like high blood pressure, obesity, and heart disease risk factors. If something needs a more specialized eye, he may refer you to a Pediatric Chiropractor or another specialist to have a closer look. Be sure to tell your doctor if you’re experiencing any symptoms that concern you so they can be addressed. If it’s been a while since you’ve had a physical, now is the time to make an appointment!
#2 Dental checkup
It’s important to see your dentist twice a year for regular cleanings and checkups. This is the best way to keep your teeth in good health while also catching problems before they get too serious.
Your dental hygienist will remove plaque and tartar buildup on teeth that brushing can’t reach, which helps prevent decay and gum disease. Cavities are caught early when you regularly come as well! So make sure every family member sees their dentist at least once per year (more often if needed).
#3 Eye exam
One of the most important checkups for kids is an eye exam. This is especially true if your child wears glasses or contacts. An optometrist will test visual acuity and screen for common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. They’ll also check for signs of eye diseases and conditions that could lead to blindness later in life. Schedule a comprehensive eye exam for your family at least once every two years.
In addition, it’s a good idea to have your child’s vision checked if they complain about frequent headaches, trouble reading or focusing on objects at schoolwork distance (reading/writing), or squinting while watching TV. You should also see an eye doctor immediately if you notice any changes in your eyesight, such as blurred vision and redness around the edges of your eyelids.
#4 Hearing exam
Hearing loss is often a gradual process, so you might not even realize there’s a problem until it’s too late. That’s why it’s important to get your family members’ hearing checked regularly starting at the age of six months. Audiologists will test for things like hearing loss, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and Meniere’s disease (an inner ear disorder that causes vertigo, ringing, and fullness in the ear).
If someone in your family has been diagnosed with hearing loss, they should have their hearing checked every year. And if you think someone in your family might be experiencing some degree of hearing loss, don’t wait – make an appointment for them today!
Taking care of yourself and your family is important. But, don’t neglect annual checkups that can lead to serious health issues down the road! So make sure every member sees their doctor for regular exams each year.
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